Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep show their class in this heartfelt journey through a custody battle and a fathers relationship with his son and estranged wife. Their characters are certainly flawed, but this gives it a neccesary realism
The production is not quite up to modern standards, but definitely better than average for 1979, and is still enjoyable if you like films involving human interaction (rather than adventures, shooting etc) - and don't mind dated haircuts! There are a lot of scenes of subtle humour as Ted struggles to look after his son and cope at work on his own. There is also an unintentionally amuzing section where Ted runs his son to the hospital, involving far more risk of death and injury as he hurtles across moving traffic. There is an element of redemption, as he realises that there is more to life than work - even if he suffers for it.
However, I felt some key elements of the plot weren't developed. It was never clear why Joanna left so suddenly, nor why reconciliation never seemed to be on the cards - although I suppose this would have brought the whole matrimonial dispute to a stop, and given a shorter film!