Based on Guy Ritchie's popular film "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", sought to capture the gritty, comedic essence of the original film. Despite the high expectations, the series had a short run, consisting of only seven episodes.
The show follows a similar premise to the film, revolving around a group of young, small-time criminals in London's East End. The main characters, while new, share the same archetypes as those in the movie: smart-talking, sharp-witted, and often finding themselves in over their heads. Each episode typically revolves around a new heist, con, or misadventure, blending humour with the criminal escapades. Like the movie, it maintains the dark humour that made the film popular. The witty banter and absurd situations provide plenty of laughs and comic relief throughout the episodes.
While it doesn’t quite match the original's brilliance, it offers enough laughs and thrills to entertain fans of British crime comedies. Its short run means it won’t demand much of your time, making it a quick watch for those interested in the genre.