The huge amount of time sorting through ancient film and photography archives and probably hunting for good film is clearly evident. Some of the footage of film and early photography is in itself historically important and fascinating. The documentary starts in the Victorian era. The historical account of Irish oppression and of the steps to freedom is told in a very unbiased and unemotional way. It is in Gaelic but there are sub-titles. As you might imagine it is in black and white (starting in 1896). The music is not a major feature it is pretty much all a fairly dull narration. Like another critic I am just not interested enough in political history to watch more than an hour of old film clips, and I fast forwarded most of it.
couldn't finish it... it was not in English, which would have been so easy since it was all narrated. The narration was very childlike and uninformative. As I say, I didn't finish it so who knows, it may have gotten better.