The story of 'Mysterious Skin' revolves around the lives of two teenagers, who as young boys were sexually abused by their little league coach. As older teens they are both suffering in different ways. Brian is obsessed with aliens, has nosebleeds and blackouts, and Neil has become a promiscuous gay hustler. Though slowly they're now starting to realise what happened to them in their past and how their lives are now falling apart. Although the story is painfully disturbing and depressing, it's also has some lighter funny lines and situations, though it's certainly not an easy film to watch; and the troubling subject matter is never served in a palatable manner. The two main characters endure hell, only then to have it go from bad to worse throughout. However, it's probably some of the best acting you'll see for a long while, Brady Corbet as 'Brian' is absolutely heart breaking to watch as he portrays his character perfectly, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as 'Neil' is quite simply incredible.
Dreamlike and surreal account of two boys whose lives are devastated, in different ways, by a forgotten episode from their schooldays. A charismatic star turn from Joseph Gordon Levitt powers this one. Sensitive, touching and imaginative handling by the director of an difficult subject.
Expecting to watch a film about alien abduction only to find this a film about the sexual abuse of two young boys.In some places I found it very hard to watch as the subject isn't glossed over but shown I thought in it's full horror.I found this film quite depressing.