'Prison Cell Block H' meets lesbian 'Sex in the City'; a bit too much lesbian, actually, and graphically so. Passes the time, I guess.
Quite a different flavour of a story which might have worked, but slowly paced and with a poor screenplay containing very feeble attempts at humour. It has the sort of jokes that may appeal to the very young, but mixed with quite gross shock moments as if to inject some life into the plot, it is a very clumsy drama. With some talented writing this could be good but unfortunately it looks as though it has been hastily dashed off by an inexperienced youth as a school drama project. We stayed with episode 1 until the end but were glad to finish it there.
I watched the first episode. I then sampled the remainder.
Infantile soft porn; that' the best description.
I need to repeat this to meet the 100 word target - it does not justify that many.
I need to repeat this to meet the 100 word target - it does not justify that many.
I need to repeat this to meet the 100 word target - it does not justify that many.
I need to repeat this to meet the 100 word target - it does not justify that many.