Ode to David Lynch
- Out of Blue review by AM
Surreal and intriguing this film doesn't take the expected route. There is depth to its quietness which draws the viewer deeper and deeper in. If you're a fan of film noir or certainly David Lynch then definitely give this a go.
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Drearily disappointing
- Out of Blue review by CP Customer
An object lesson in the dangers of trying to be too clever. The basic story within the film is fine, but it's hidden behind the woozy smokescreen that wafts around Patricia Clarkson's semi-comatose homicide detective.
I like Patricia Clarkson, and I have liked Carol Morley's films up to now (especially Dreams of a Life) but this is just too precious and ponderous.
4 out of 6 members found this review helpful.
Best avoided
- Out of Blue review by JT rentals
Awful film. Confusing, ridiculous and illogical plot using pseudo science with characters that I found difficult to relate to.
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pseudo Velvet
- Out of Blue review by AM
I was left feeling disappointed at the end, although thats maybe harsh.
It looks great, is beautifully shot. There are nods to some great films in the way it looks, in particular, to me, Blue Velvet.
It's well played - the acting of most is good.
There is a threaded who-dunnit plot which mostly works.
So what goes wrong? Two things. The Blue Velvet similarity, once seen, I couldn't unsee. And if a film seems like it paying homage, is an understated version of a classic, it probably is going to fall short of the original. The other thing is the who-dunnit. Sadly I guessed early on that one or two hints were significant, and from there joined the dots well ahead of the film.
2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
- Out of Blue review by BE
Twenty minutes in, got bored with it. Most of the characters were weaving about like zombies, especially the main female lead. Opted out.
1 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Dull, dull, dull
- Out of Blue review by DC
One dimensional characters, wooden acting, thin plot confused by incongruous flash backs.
Not actually bad, just not very engaging to watch.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Shockingly bad.
- Out of Blue review by DA
I have just persevered through this movie which, thankfully is only an hour and forty minutes. I am so annoyed that I just feel the need to write this review.
Dreadful - and surprisingly so - given some of the cast. To say that the acting, writing and directing in this film is wooden would be an understatement. The characters (no more so than the lead) are both disappointingly and irritatingly unconvincing. Patricia Clarkson's Mike(?) Hoolihan makes no sense at all. Even James Caan and Toby Jones couldn't save this film. I'd be surprised if any of them are proud about their involvement.
Looks like a first year film student's initial, clumsy stab at making a movie.
Ridiculous, ponderous storyline, relentlessly banging on about Schrodinger's cat.
Just awful.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Why? Who asks why?
- Out of Blue review by TO
Well, I did after watching this. I'm sure many others would find the film interesting and inventive, I found it dull and tbe characters uninteresting.
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Wish I'd been strangled by the red scarf.
- Out of Blue review by F15HF1NG3RZ
I'm currently watching it now (80 mins in)... What a bizarre film! I feel like it's trying to be smarter than it actually is (the main character is a woman called MIKE!!!) There's an overwhelming feeling that most of the time it's trying to be oddball for the sake of being oddball.
Mike has "blackouts" at he most inopportune of times, but it's hard to tell when she's passed out as she's playing the role so sedately.
Some horrendous accents and some of the acting is more wooden than an episode of Casualty, whilst other characters are so overacted you're wondering if they missed out on a role in Mommie Dearest!!!
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Slow-burning Murder Thriller Based on a Novel by Martin Amis
- Out of Blue review by PV
The credits say written and directed by Carol Morley BUT it is Martin Amis who should take the credit mostly as this is based on one of his lesser-known novels Night Train (1997) which is a comedic parody of American detective novels. Not many viewers will know that; many will not know who Martin Amis is...
Unlike SO many films and dramas these days which parachute female characters into the plot then shoehorn them into the main roles (sorry for the mixed metaphor) the female detective here seems believable. The reference to drink works too - Martin Amis was the son of notorious drinker novelist of Lucky Jim, Kingsley Amis who even wrote a book called ON DRINK. I though the alcoholism aspect here was done well.
I can see why many find the ending unsatisfying (NO SPOILERS) and I was initially too, but then was not because we all know the plot trajectory and arrest a-coming.
I did grow tired of all the quantum physics and astronomy stuff, to be honest, though the space-y end credits are really so original - they're great!
Some great music incl the final track by THE CHURCH and also the Brenda Lee version of 1938 song I'LL BE SEEING YOU - it reminded me how Liberace's version of that song plays over the last scene of the Stephen King novel stalker 1990 film MISERY which ALSO features actor James Caan - 28 years later he plays a main character here. Now there's a future quiz question!
Great cast incl Brit Toby Jones playing a barely believable character, but...it is a fictional film so...
Be warned, those who expect fast-paced action crime thrillers will hate this. DIE HARD it ain't. But I enjoyed this slow-burner mostly.
4 stars.
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