Great story and unusual but bit too weird
- Pinocchio review by TH
The story of pinocchio follows similar path to the story we all know. This is an italian made film with I assume dubbing voices. The film makes a good bold attempt at something a bit different but it all feels rather cheap and disturbing costumes. Also the dubbing doesnt help and wonder if it would of been better with subtitles instead.
That being said I think I may keep to the disney version of the film or read the original story.
2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Inventive, lively and a bit sinister
- Pinocchio review by CP Customer
This is the Matteo Garrone of 'Wild Tales' rather than 'Gomorrah', though there is a darkness hovering around the edges of the story that might make this a film for older children and adults rather than young children.
Having said that, the film is much closer to the original Pinocchio narrative than the saccharine Disney version.
The costumes, special effects and settings are superbly created, with many memorable set-piece scenes. The only technical aspect which falters a little is the dubbing. It was probably a good idea to record the English soundtrack using Italian actors, but this does sometimes make it hard to understand some of the quickly spoken lines.
Roberto Benigni plays Geppetto. He is a bit of a 'Marmite' actor. Personally, I like Marmite but find Benigni annoying. Fortunately he is only on screen at the beginning and the end!
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
The best Pinocchio on film
- Pinocchio review by MonsieurK
Garrone's dazzling version of Pinocchio is the only film to have caught the tone of Collodi's book - a neo-folkloric mixture of madcap humour, melancholy and tenderness. I can't understand why other reviewers here have complained about the English-language dubbing, when the DVD gives you the option of watching the original Italian version with English subtitles, which is obviously preferable.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
A beautiful retelling of this wonderful story
- Pinocchio review by SG
Please don't watch the dubbed version but enjoy the original Italian and enjoy with subtitles.
I was mesmerised by the film and the way the characters were bought to life by the use of carefully designed sets, costumes and special effects. There was real artistry and craft here with movie prosthetics used to recreate the animals and characters without resorting to computer generated graphics. I believe these were designed faithfully from the original illustrations. Though it's difficult to be sure these days it sounded as though the music score was played on real instruments rather than the bland digitised compromise we are having to get used to now.
It's heartening to know that artists are still out there producing work of such high quality.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
- Pinocchio review by TB
I found the film boring and sometimes wasn't sure what was happening or fully sure what was being said because they were speaking fast in the fashion of Europeans though was in English, (I did not notice any poor dubbing, didn't look very hard either). Definitely the worst version of Pinocchio I have seen & I have seen about every version I know has I normally enjoy the story, but not this one. There was only 1/2 short funny bits.
Was looking forward to seeing it, despite the very mixed reviews, so disappointed, glad I only borrowed it & not brought it or went saw it at the cinema which I nearly did but decided to see something else.
Not for young children has there's a couple of scenes that might upset them, has I am a animal lover one scene made me grab my bear and let out a small whimper, though thought he would be alright.
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