This is billed as a mix between comedy, horror and soap opera. REALLY?
Well it did not make me laugh or even smile, so if it is meant to be farce or perhaps satire, even allegorical, it fails miserably. Horror? Well if you think men in costumes gyrating is horrific, I suggest you watch some 1950s horror movies or maybe 1930s ones, like Flash Gordon's mud people. Soap opera? Well some characters 'connect' so to speak but, well, who cares?
This is one of those films which thinks it is clever but is in fact pointless, silly, shallow, unfunny and annoying. There are others which this reminds me of, like OLD by M Night Shhh, and the awful TRIANGLE OF SADNESS. Again, pointless, not satirical or profound at all, not even a bit.
This all feels so contrived and stagey - I was surprised it did not start in the theatre. It's the sort of thing the Lover Sixth do for an Easter Play, complete with cardboard brain.
Don';t bother. Unless you like the films I mentioned. 1.5 stars.