This is a British comedy featuring a massive roll call of famous names and a Carry On type of story. I do not think that this film did as well in the cinema as they had hoped for as I do remember following the film from production to release on Facebook and they had made an effort to get it noticed including all the cameos from mostly older stars playing to type who remember when this sort of film was standard. It is worth viewing to spot everyone and the story is a gentle take on the consequences of bigamy which I am glad people can joke about including some old style slap stick. The main characters fit there roles including Daniel Dyer and Niel Morrisy and Christopher Biggin with Lional Blair. The ladies add to the fun getting more and more confused as the lad's get into more and more trouble and the stories get more elaborate to conceal there deception including from the police and local press. I would recommend this film for fans of British comedy and to spot the famous names along the way.