This dvd is really great. Nice movie to chill out and have a laugh. Fantastic family film. It is a really well made movie to. Very funny, and great story to. Well worth the watch.
This is one of the best cartoon films i've seen for a while, will smith is funny has ever and joined by the other "A list" cast members who all provide outstanding proformances. Great for all ages.
It still blows my mind that De Niro and Scorsese are in this - and they both put in great performances. I have a theory that perhaps Joe Pesci was supposed to play Scorsese's part - a puffer fish whose voice goes very high when he gets angry. Remind you of anyone? Maybe he turned it down. This is a fun film with lots o great performances. The special features show the care that went into it, and there's a decent commentary. Perhaps the animation looks quite dated now but this is a good family choice for an evening in.