I never liked this when i was kid. I didnt get all the rambling and poignant moments. The action was short and lacked excitement etc etc.
but now im older I can see why this is such a revered film amongst fans.
You need to understand trek and the relationships between the characters to really appreciate it.
Here we see Kirk as an old man, he is past his prime and even makes mistakes. But he stands out as a brilliant leader.
There is also the chemistry of the main 3 actors. Something I felt was a massive fail and missing of the point in the reboot. The 3 work fantastically together. Completely different characters that use there differences for humour, subvertly explaining whats happening, offering balanced views. Often a scene is made up of few words. Because the words used really count. Its brilliant stuff.
To be fair its not a 5 star film. It shows its age and would likely bore most people. But compared to any trek made today this is an utter masterpeice and true to what is real star trek.
The second in the Trek franchise but with a whole range of emotions associated with it. More gruesome than the series or films, sadness, light-hearted in places, original ideas with the Genesis project.
As a lover of all thins sci-fi, not my favourite film, not even my favourite in the Trek franchise but a pleasant film with few CGI effects and more of a storyline than others