FILM & REVIEW Lewis Allen’s cracking paranoid thriller set in the small town of Suddenly. Local Sheriff Todd (Haydon) is informed The Presidents train will be stopping so he can be driven to a remote ranch. Soon the town is crawling with cops and Secret Service Men who have received a tip of an assassination attempt. A retired Secret Service man lives with his widowed daughter in law and grandson in a house overlooking the station and the FBI show up to check it out - except something isn’t quite right. They are led by John Barron (Sinatra) and are in fact the hit squad awaiting the trains arrival. They take the family and the Sheriff hostage and wait for the clock to tick round….. All manner of psychological mind games take place all set within the house - who will crack first? Sinatra is electric in the role - in it for the money but as he reveals more about himself a picture of a cold calculating psycho emerges with all manner of Nietzchien neurosis - it really was a brave career move for him and it’s one of his best performances. Solid support from Hayden and Gates and pre-figures The Manchurian Candidate by several years ……quite superb - 4/5