Set in 1974, 'The Assassination of Richard Nixon' revolves around the story of Samuel Bicke, a quiet fragile man who tries to live his life by doing the right thing. In a job he hates as an office furniture salesman, and constantly told by his employers to lie to customers to increase his sales, he decides the only way to get out of his job is to follow the American dream. Planning to go into partnership with his best friend Bonny, he applies for a loan to reopen his father's old tire business and hopes that his future success will resurrect his failing marriage. When his loan requests are rejected by the banks, and now officially served with divorce papers, he soon believes everyone and everything is turning against him, and slowly becomes more and more desperate, descending into madness. He blames his situation more and more on bureaucracy and in particular President Nixon, and realises the only way to solve his problems is to assassinate the president by hijacking a plane and flying into the White House. Overall, this is an absorbing character based film which focuses less on the actual assassination attempt and more on Bicke's personal journey and decent into madness. Sean Penn gives an outstanding performance, and with a solid well directed story it's a film that leaves a powerful impression. Highly recommended.
A US film with a unique story line is a rare & wonderful thing. especially when it's based on a true story. The opening scenes give you clues to the outcome of the full story which is then told in flashback. However, the climax is shocking. Sean Penn "lived" the part to perfection. As I invariably do, I looked closely at the supporting actors. Two were outstanding; his office equipment store boss & the loan company manager.
Details of the life the real Samuel Byck (not Bicke as in the film) are available in all the usual online places. Fascinating reading.