Rent The Benefactor (2015)

2.8 of 5 from 135 ratings
1h 29min
Rent The Benefactor Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
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Francis L. Watts (Richard Gere) is an affluent business man living in Philadelphia. Despite his wealth and connections, he is still grieving over the death of his friends, in a tragic car crash he was responsible for years before. In an attempt to relieve his pain and guilt, something that his morphine addiction can't fix, he reconnects with his friend's daughter and her husband. After showering them with gifts and new prospects, things quickly sour. What follows is a desperate man's attempts to keep hold of his life, while everything around him falls apart.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Rory Ogden, ,
Andrew Renzi
Jason Michael Berman, Thomas B. Fore, Jay Schuminsky, Kevin Turen
Andrew Renzi
Arrow Films
Release Date:
Run Time:
89 minutes
English Dolby Digital 5.1
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.40:1

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Reviews (3) of The Benefactor

No subtitles - The Benefactor review by DC

Spoiler Alert

I'm sick to death and frustrated at the lack of subtitles in the so called modern independent film. Not everyone is blessed with good hearing. Some of us struggle even with a hearing aid. I use subtitles for every program/film that I watch. I don't get why subtitles are not standard. People who don't need them don't have to suffer them. So why? I repeat why? Are people like myself prejudiced against. I only wish to hear/follow the dialogue. Is that to much to ask?????????

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Good storyline, wanes towards the end - The Benefactor review by AW

Spoiler Alert

A good storyline, with Richard Gere accidentally causing the death of his two best friends, and then trying to ease his guilt by providing everything he can for their daughter. However, the movie ends somewhat abruptly as if the writer ran out of lines.

Overall, a reasonable watch.

1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.

Not a bad film - The Benefactor review by CP Customer

Spoiler Alert

A good storyline. Richard Gere has a lot of guilt but is not fully to blame the car crash is very vague as to what happened. were does the river come into it.& maybe the wrong side of the car that was hit?& the film end a bit too soon.

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