The most amazing and powerful movie. Your heart is with this couple every step of the way to achieve their dream. Their courage and dogged perseverance is just staggering and the kindness and care they exude both to each other but to the landscape they are trying to revive is really moving. The power in this movie is in showing how we can live with animals and all kinds of tiny creatures in a symbiosis if only we trust the natural processes of Mother Earth.
The beauty of the landscape, once their work bears fruit, is breath-taking.
Prepare to be totally mesmerised and to fall in love, with a pig no less.
I’m sitting here wondering how to make barn owl nest boxes and if I have room for a cow.... and sheep and pigs and chicken. Not a glossy Hollywood produce but a genuine heartfelt narrative of one couples experiences. Plenty of ups and downs. And plenty of reality. Try it
Gave an insight into the ecology of the planet, or at least how it should be. The honesty of the hardships of this family was enlightening and well portrayed.