I must say I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I've never seen George A. Romero's original made in the 70's, so I held no real expectations except for it to be another boring "horror" Hollywood remake. The storyline and plot actually did keep me interested enough to find out how the whole thing was going to play out. It was all a tad predictable however, most of the scare scenes were predictable, only once did one actually catch me off guard. But this movie, surprisingly enough, wasn't solely built on scares as much as one would think. It is more of a suspense thriller than a fright film, in my opinion.
My main gripes: The abysmal "horror soundtrack" used to accentuate what's supposed to be scary but really isn't all that scary. And the frequency of the "Hey, let's split up and get out of each other's sight" mentality the main characters had, then in the very next scene they are attached at the hip. Some more consistency and realistic characterisation would have been nice. But I guess that's par for the course with this genre. Without wanting to spoil the entire movie for everyone, you do find out very soon in to the movie the source of the "problem," but they still managed to keep it interesting after I got over that disappointment.
All in all, one of the better Hollywood remakes and definitely worth seeing.
Apparently this is a remake of the 1973 film of the same name and directed by George Romero, who gets credited as Executive Producer. It suffers from what might be called 'the remake syndrome': it's simply not original. Mystery affliction send locals into a murderous rage. Sounds familiar? Sounds like '28 Days Later'? Sounds similar to other zombie-type films? You're right – it does sound familiar and it is, although these aren't zombies. This time the affliction / infection comes from a biological weapon and there is a bungled military attempt to contain the outbreak. Only the two lead characters escape (of course), everyone else perishes (of course), and there is (of course) the inevitable hook at the end which leaves room for a sequel (of course). It's not a horror film, it's not a scary movie, it has few if any shocks or surprises and it's all very predicable. Of it's type it's not bad, just very average, and I've seen a lot worse – so I'll give it 3/5 stars.
Ok i'm eclectic with music and film i like most genres this film has it all conspiracy, loyalty, sharp shooting a little dry humour and lots of blood guts n gore, if you like the above then give it a whizz i'm sure you'll enjoy it................