I enjoyed this series but it's not as good as series 2. The writers were trying too hard sometimes - too many predictable vomit gags and crude sequences: that's always a good way to tell that a series should end. I really hope they don't make series 4 and 'jump the shark'...
Some laugh out loud moments here though, and Greg Davies is the best comedy teacher in any drama or comedy for years! So true to life! It's all a bit racist against Swansea in the final episode, of course - would the same gag have been made about any ethnic area like Southall or Handsworth? - but I can forgive the weak points and silliness of all this because some parts are genuinely funny! Feels a bit strained and desperate at times, so best that The Inbetweeners ends at series 3, I think. My favourite line from Will when he's being driven by mad roadhog speeding driver jay: 'He made us feel like royalty; sadly, it was Princess Diana'!!!