In 2005, The Jeremy Kyle show started on ITV. Despite the show in its first few programmes seemingly genuinely wanting to help people, very quickly it descended into what a judge called "Human bear baiting." People called up, thinking that their issues could be helped, but instead were taken in, split up and goaded by staff members before being put on stage like some sick circus act from a hundred years ago to be vilified on TV and then later YouTube.
The show only ended after the widespread reporting of a guest who took his own life. Following that, the dam burst and multiple people who worked both on and had been featured on the show came forward to detail their mistreatment at the hands of a programme who exploited mainly the most vulnerable people in society.
And the fact that this DVD has been published even further shows the naked exploitation by Kyle and ITV. A sickening & utterly immoral programme which thankfully has been condemned to the scrapheap, although sadly Kyle is still employed to give his "advice and insight."