I enjoyed this but found the tone rather odd. Or odd-ball. Not sure which.
Yes, it is a comedy and I LOVE dark comedy, the blacker the better. But the tone here, with quirky offbeat humour and gags (some very lame ones too) juxtaposed with a murder of a teenage boy. I am not offended in the least - just taken aback really, as it was jolting.
It was sort of family comedy, almost Spielberg-esque, or a bit like Ground Hog Day or BIG, but strangely intertwined and mixed with talk of murder, abduction, suicide and paedophilia. Interesting really, if odd. Maybe just Canadian eh?
Some nice scenes but for me the comedy worked more than the emotion or love interests. The regret of an adult and his yearning for the simplicity and success of his childhood will strike a chord with many, I am sure.
The ending (NO SPOILERS) reminded mf of the great 2009 Argentinian film THE SECTRET IN THEIR EYES which is far superior.
3 stars