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The Killer (2023)

3.6 of 5 from 69 ratings
1h 58min
Not released
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A man solitary and cold, methodical and unencumbered by scruples or regrets, the killer waits in the shadows, watching for his next target. And yet the longer he waits, the more he thinks he's losing his mind, if not his cool. A brutal, bloody and stylish noir story of a professional assassin lost in a world without a moral compass, this is a case study of a man alone, armed to the teeth and slowly losing his mind.
, , , , , Sophie Charlotte, Emiliano Pernía, Gabriel Polanco, , , , , , , Paloma Palacio Colon, Lía Lockhart, , Génesis Estévez, Leroy Edwards III,
Ceán Chaffin, William Doyle, Peter Mavromates
Andrew Kevin Walker, Alexis Nolent, Luc Jacamon
Action & Adventure, Drama, Thrillers
Getting to Know: Tilda Swinton
Release Date:
Not released
Run Time:
118 minutes
English Dolby Atmos
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.35:1

Reviews (1) of The Killer

Enjoyable Thriller - The Killer review by GI

Spoiler Alert

Slow burning, stylish noir thriller with Michael Fassbender as a samurai like assassin forced onto a journey of revenge when a 'hit' goes wrong. Cold and professional hitmen litter the cinematic world from Alain Delon in Le Samourï (1967) to Tom Cruise in Collateral (2004) and here we have a philosophical killer who narrates his life all the while trying to convince himself he's not breaking his own rules. The film starts quite slowly with the assassin holed up in an office with a sniper rifle patiently waiting for his target to appear. When, despite all his careful preparations, the job goes suddenly awry he finds he becomes the target and he calmly and ruthlessly tracks down everyone involved, globe trotting from Paris to the Dominican Republic to USA in order to do so. There's some brutal violence along the way. It's all totally absurd but strangely compelling basically because Fassbender and director David Fincher approach the film with absolute conviction and create a certain disquiet as we follow the killer on his mission. And the great Tilda Swinton supports and consequently it makes for a rather enjoyable experience.

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