Really enjoyed this film , A group of men find themselves in a clearing in the middle of an ever changing maze. They try to escape risking thier lives with the creatures that live in the maze. I was not expecting this ending.
Haven't read the books but this is "Lord of the Flies" meet "Cube". Too many open questions - before Teresa, why did no-one question why there were no girls, why not climb up the walls? Did the boys dream? If so, the same dream? Needed some intelligence in the script which was sadly lacking for a bunch of teenagers who would/should be asking a lot of questions and attempting to find answers. And what were the "Grievers" supposed to be? jailers? the bogey-man? Again, too many questions and too few answers. "The Cube" wasn't much better, despite both films having a great idea behind them, where viewers would actually want to be part of the whole setup as part of of "what if I ..."? premise
Read book so was interested to see how film compered.
Not sure if this was strong enough to get other books made in to film