I laughed at the world of plants when I first read it, I'm used to fast paced chase scenes, huge migrations, animals with incredible skills, camouflage etc so plants, green food for herbivores, I wasn't sure what to expect.
All I can say is plants are equally as fascinating as animals, This show charts their adaptability, the lures they use for food and some plants are like alien species with an unnerving and unexpected sense of intelligence from them. In terms of footage as this is an older documentary the quality isn't on par with the recent wildlife documentaries which is obvious but they do a great job of captivating the viewer. Jam packed with information, I enjoyed it a lot.
For a geeky natural history nerd like me this is manner from heaven. It is quite full on botany illustrated brilliantly and extravagantly. David must have notched up a few air-miles. Because of its relatively non-popular presentation (lots of interesting facts) not to be watched as background or if your tired. Recommended for anyone with a strong biology interest only.