An award winning apocalyptic film from New Zealand. An interesting story about a scientist (Bruno Lawrence) who finds himself the only human left after a massive energy project goes wrong. Of course he's not the last man standing as he finds a couple of others along his journey that involves his struggles with isolation through to trying to put right what has happened. It's a little enigmatic and the scenes involving the loneliness are ideas seen in any number of similar films. The film has it's fans although viewed today it seems a little dated and at times clichéd. The tensions between the three survivors are never pursued quite as satisfactorily as the film promises but the strange ending leaves the film feeling like it's something different and a bit mysterious. Worth checking out.
I only chose this film out of a vague interest in Antipodean cinema, and when it got allocated i was a little disappointed. However, it really is a remarkably intelligent, well performed movie, with some interesting ideas and great lines. Bruno Lawrence - i think it is the eyes - is especially good, and it's with him that we spend the first 45 minutes or so. I would recommend not reading anything too much about the movie. Suffice it to say, if you like cerebral sci-fi, this will appeal.