There seems to be a lot of fantasy films coming out lately that are blatantly pinching their ideas from classic 50's and 60's films. This film makes several not so subtle nods to various other movies of it's genre, notably Disney's classic cartoon 'The Sword in the Stone', where in one sequence, well you shall have to watch to find out what I mean. The first five minutes when our hero is a young lad get off to a great start and I thought this was gonna be good. But after that, once said lad grows up into 20 something geek with irrelevant love interest thrown in, the film quickly loses the plot. This is a mash of films like 'Ghostbusters', 'Sword in the Stone', 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' etc, nothing new or original here. And whilst Nicholas cage holds his own, he's lost really and neither Sorcerer or Apprentice really gell. But if you've got ten year old kids, ten this will make a good fun brainless family film, but don't expect anything deep or scary. It's kind of Beige, pleasant to look at but does nothing!
I wasn't sure whether to have high hopes for this, but myself and my 7-year old son both loved it - the combination of Arthurian legend, special effects and magic was right up his street. He's a big Percy Jackson fan and we found lots of similarities, very much a hero's journey kind of film.
In his words, 'it was awesome and I liked the Merlin theme'.
It's true i love disney films.
This film borrows some of it's scenes of other disney films but their allowed to they disney too, and who cares when they work so well in this film,which they do.
this is a good film for the family and disney fans of all ages.