Having read some fairly mediocre reviews of W, I wasn't expecting this to be up to much, but I must say that I really enjoyed this film. It is told in both flashback to W's youth and more recent decisions around the Iraq war. The cast is superb and I thought Brolin was excellent as W. It's not a heavy film in the same way as Oliver Stone's other presidential movies (i.e. Nixon) and actually has quite a few laughs as you spot the various Bushisms. Overall it's a great insight what drove W to get where he got and ends witha rather sad press conference seen which kind of sums up W's presidency. This is recommended to those who like a bit of a political drama and even those who don't as it's more about the man than the politics.
In terms of the Blu Ray, the picture quality is a 9 out of 10 and sound 6 out of 10 (there are not a lot of action scenes).
If, like so many of us, you feel touched by the damage done in the latter part of Bush's presidency - the lies about WMD, the (arguably) illegal war in Iraq despite global demonstrations on an unprecendented scale against it, the manipulation of the media over the 'war on terror' - watching this movie is an essential catharsis to get the man out of your system now he's out of office. The understanding of his background given by this movie did not earn him one jot of forgiveness from me, but it did help me draw a line under that particular nightmare and start to believe it's really over.