Rent Werewolves Within (2021)

2.9 of 5 from 192 ratings
1h 37min
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  • General info
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A small town find themselves trapped in a snowstorm and under threat as a mysterious beast begins to pick them off one by one. As the bodies begin to pile up, it soon becomes clear that the killer is closer than first thought. As the blame begins to shift from person to person, tensions rise and this trigger-happy community will do anything to ensure they are the last ones standing. This whodunnit horror with black comedy at heart is based on the UBISOFT video game of the same name.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ritz
Margaret Boykin, Andrew Lieberman, Natalie Metzger, Matt Miller, Benjamin Wiessner
Mishna Wolff
Signature Entertainment
Comedy, Horror
Release Date:
Run Time:
97 minutes
English Dolby Digital 5.1
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.40:1

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Reviews (3) of Werewolves Within

OK Goofy Horror Comedy - Werewolves Within review by GI

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A goofy horror comedy that has a style and a good dose of black humour to make it entertaining. Based on a video game the set up is a mix of a Agatha Christie type whodunnit and a mystery horror film set in a small town as a wintry storm sets in. The new Forest Ranger Finn (Sam Richardson) tries to maintain his kind and considerate demeanour as he attempts to keep the townsfolk together after one of them is murdered. The people are a mishmash of characters and being thrown together by the storm and in fear there's a killer amongst them brings out the worst in them. Aided by the local mail delivery lady Cecily (Milana Vayntrub) they begin to suspect something supernatural maybe the cause. The cast play this for laughs and it makes the whole thing very watchable but soon forgettable.

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Lots of WIthin not much Werewolf though... - Werewolves Within review by The REAL Film Cricket

Spoiler Alert

Werewolves Within is based on a video game, a VR video to be clear, that I have never heard of and after watching the film and then looking for clips of the game on YouTube it must be said ‘very loosely’ based on the video game. I mean I am based on the same creature as George Clooney.

The film is a mix of genres going for black murderous comedy and a trapped set of folks trying to find out who is murdering who and why. Everyone, except the two main protagonists seems to have a motive and everyone seems capable so far, so Agatha Christie. The twist is although the humans are in general obnoxious and loathsome, and capable of murder when the deaths and maiming start it appears it might be a werewolf. A werewolf whodunnit? Original and different.


I would love to know if Mishna Wolff had ever seen or liked ‘The Beast Must Die’ a Peter Cushing Hammer Horror werewolf whodunnit from 1974? It was a straight as a horror thriller and I remember being mightily disappointed by the conclusion and the film when I first watched it, but I am pleased to say not so with Werewolves Within. The makers went the correct way with the story such as this, it is played for laughs, not guffawing, tear-inducing laughs, but chuckles and smiles throughout the running time. Certainly, from my point of view the way to go with this type of story.

It helps that Sam Richardson plays to his strengths as an actor, a friendly, harmless, almost avuncular character that the audience can both laugh at but like and sympathise with from the start. Then pair him, or sort of pair him up with the attractive Milana Vayntrub who is pitch-perfect as a sub-manic-pixie-dream girl, cute and fun but with enough agency to not be ‘Finn’s love interest’ and you have a hook that should hold much of your audience.

I cannot reveal any of the story because things happen to characters and situations arrive that if described or even hinted at will ruin the film for anyone who has not seen it.

The horror in the film, much like the comedy, is very much lukewarm and herein this is the film’s greatest weakness, it tries hard to not be fish nor fowl, but a tweak with the horror or with the comedy would have definitely helped give the film a stronger identity. When you see ‘horror-comedy’ as a descriptor do not expect An American Werewolf in London, which for a lot of people was terrifying when it came out or Shaun of the Dead which was hilarious, to me and others, on viewing, mind you those are lofty heights to attain to be fair.

The cast is comedic in slant and despite my misgivings they put in good shows, with everything writ large, clearly this is on purpose, so if you run with this and have fun throughout the run time, you will enjoy the film.

Werewolves Within is a fun Saturday night’s viewing when you want to stay in, if you listen to dialogue early in the film and about two-thirds in you will be told who the werewolf is but at this point, after shifting my opinion between a couple of characters I had already settled on who it was and the script underlined it for me. I would not go out of my way to watch the film again and I will have forgotten it within a few months but there are worse films to watch when you are in the mood for a bit harmless fun to watch.

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Unfunny Unscary Comedy Horror - Watch AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON instead - Werewolves Within review by PV

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Hmm well, I like a good comedy horror film - and arguably all horror is comedy anyway (DISCUSS!) But this is limp. I did not laugh once. Maybe I would have done if I were a teenager. Maybe not, I do not know. It is based on a video game, 'parently, which says it all, I suppose.

Not a patch on a classic like AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON which also has WAY better special effects - mind you, compared to this B-movie, Michael Jackson's Thriller video has better special effects! Those wanting great werewolf transformations will be yawning in disappointment with this film. Want a great comedy horror with gore, watch SEVERANCE (2006).

This is another one of those new films which aim to cast black/BAME and female actors in all main roles. Any white male characters that do exist are useless buffoons or abusive monsters. Apparently this racism/sexism is progress... Personally, I think it is boring.

BUT if you're feeling hungee for diversity donuts and tickbox jollies, then watch SPELL (2020) or the over-rated GET OUT, I suppose, or the genuinely funny slasher horror comedy FREAKY (2020) which did make me laugh.

Sadly this film falls between 2 stools - it is neither scary (so not a horror) nor funny (so not a comedy) and it is certainly not original or clever or surprising in its supposed twists (NO SPOILERS). Plus, no subtitles and the dialogue is mumbled though oddly also very stagey and overblown, with cartoon characters aplenty - the main actor would have fitted in well in those 1930s black comedies which are considered racist now. All those eye-bulging shocked expressions.

Just not to my taste, but passes the time. Kids may like it more.

2 stars, 1 for having a screenplay written by someone called Wolff!

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