Boring film, I suppose there was never going to be much going on so it was my own fault for hiring it. Never mind I though N Cage was good and it passed the time
In the capable hands of Oliver Stone, the story of 9/11 is told with compassion and interest without the corniness that lesser directors might have slipped into. Most of the action happens at the beginning and the effect of being in the area when the towers came down is truly terrifying. The rest of the story is about 2 police officers, who are trapped in the rubble, and their families. Couldn't have watched it before because events were too raw, but it is definitely worth a look.
2 city port authority policemen get stuck in the collapsed twin towers. There are lots of distraught wives and children on telephones. The trapped heroes just about manage to keep going. The even more heroic rescuers only just by chance hear the faint cries for help. The main characters are saved. Too slushy for me but if you'd like a weepy romantic about 7/11 this will do.