While the Accidental Husband features a strong enough cast for what is a chick flick, it is the only distinguishing factor stopping it from being a run of the mill television film. Approaching this with no real expectations, we were surprised that it was a pretty poor and (thankfully) short viewing experience. After all the same criticism can be levelled at The Queen that also felt like a television film, but still delivered. Faced with 2008 genre entries such as Mamma Mia and Sex In The City, Accidental Husband doesn’t stand a chance and frankly doesn’t deserve to.
There is the need to suspend any logic or belief in why Thurman and Firth are actually a couple. If anything it is their relationship that is one of convenience and not the accidental marriage that soon threatens whatever social bond they have. They lack any spark when onscreen together, there is no chemistry and Firth seems to be forced into a bumbling Hugh Grant impersonation. The whole thing staggers to a logical and predictable conclusion, which was intended to leave you with a warm glowing feeling. Sadly the after effects are anything but this.
Very funny. Well worth the watching. Uma is excellent - a real fruitcake. The plot flows smoothly and we are all urging them towarsd a happy ending. Good clean fun.