Strange film, good to look at, but sub titles would have helped understand where the film was going and why scenes kept happening! If you understand spoken Chinese this would be a big help if you choose to watch the film!
This film needs a warning to viewers. First, there are no subtitles, so the dialogue in incomprehensible. Second, it depicts graphic scenes of rape and torture. Third, it ends with a gruesome, gratuitous scene of human dismemberment.
This film has NO subtitles - so it was a testament to its appeal that we continued to watch right through to the end.
Probably the most explicit sex scenes I have seen in an R18 movie ever before. It reminded me a bit of Ai No Corrida - and reveals the surprisingly very positive stance of the chinese to homosexuality. Certainly I cannot imagine this explicitness would be allowed in most countries.
Just a slight warning to those of a delicate disposition- the end of this film is very horrific.