This starts well, a bit like DUEL, Spielberg's great debut. Really tense. Then the tension goes as the monster man introduces himself and kidnaps here, as the blub says.
It then becomes a cat and mouse chase as the young woman escapes into the forest. I found it quite gruesome and some of a feminist bent may object to gratuitous violence to a woman, and the usual playbook of a female victim pursued by a man. Quite violent at times.
Not really credible, the psycho man is a tad cartoon character. THE FROZEN GROUND (2013) is much classier.
This is a low budget remake of a film called FORSVUNNEN which is Swedish I think.
So-so - s0 3 stars
What at first seems to be another routine stalker thriller actually switches gear into a rather watchable and engrossing survivalist story. A remake of a Swedish film this keeps the tension at the right level and while there are predictable angles to the narrative it still manages to feel original in many ways. Jules Willcox plays Jessica who is grieving over the death of her husband and heads off on a road trip where she finds herself stalked by a weirdo in an SUV. So far this is all clichéd stuff but when she is kidnapped Jessica soon manages to escape the clutches of the man (Marc Menchaca) and runs into the wilderness and forests pursued by him. Constantly taunted she finds the resolve to turn the tables. This brief synopsis could apply to a few similar films but this one has an edge to it that makes for a taut little thriller. It's definitely worth checking out because as small indie films go this isn't half bad.