This is the third 'Anne Of Green Gables' TV mini-series written and produced by Kevin Sullivan. While it has the same characters and players (Megan Follows as Anne yet again) it is not based on LM Montgomery's books but a story written by Sullivan that takes Anne and hubby Gilbert Blythe off to World War I.
The film follows Anne and Gilbert to New York where Gil works as a doctor at a prestigious hospital (but doesn't like the politics and emphasis on rich patients) and budding author Anne get a job with a publisher (and is cheated out of her first 'proper' book). Gil is pressured into joining up, and after her letters are returned and Gil goes missing in action, Anne follows him to the front as a Red Cross auxiliary nurse. After some silly and unrealistic adventures, all live happily ever after back on Prince Edward Island.
It isn't a patch on the first two Sullivan adaptations and is a big disappointment. The story is poor, the acting is wooden, and the location scenes (New York, London, France, Germany) all look very Canadian to me. I can only give it 2/5 stars.