Anthony Bourdain visits country's and delves into political issues as well as indigenous food and culture...In the season seven premiere, Bourdain explores the Philippines during Christmas season and travels through the festive streets of Manila to taste the fast food wonder Jollibee, try the sweet, milky drink, Halo-Halo, and indulge in the classic dish, Sizzling Pork Sisig. The trip continues with the host accompanied by cover band "Keystone," as they dine on Adobo, a simmered pork-chicken dish. The tour concludes with a family meal of Kare-Kare and the opening of the Balikbayan box...Chicago's iconic Old Town Ale House and its colorful patrons are the gateway to Bourdain's tour of the "City by the Lake," which includes the host dining on breaded steak sandwiches at Ricobene's with music producer Steve Albini, sampling Mapo Doufu at Chinatown's Sze Chuan with Chef Stephanie Izard, and a home cooked meal with Chicago-raised rapper Lupe Fiasco and his mom, plus a tour of comedy mecca Second City with mainstage performer Paul Jurewicz...Bourdain's trip to meat-centric Buenos Aires features a meal at famous local spot, Don Carlito's, and an after-hours soccer match...
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