An intriguing twist on the superhero in exile arc, this finds Max Fist selling his story for whisky in an assortment of LA bars. A down and out written off as crazy, he catches the attention of a digital-Gonzo journalist called Hamster, who attempts to turn his story viral. However, there's a few plot strands vying for attention and this intially interesting dynamic gets buried under a stolen money / drug barons story. It's difficult to understand Max Fist's motives helping his new friends (he doesn't kill people / then he does), then he cobble together weapons in a few mintues (out of nowhere) in order to go into battle for unconvincing reasons. I lost interest in the 'is he' or 'isn't he' a superhero or a loon, because the film does. The outcome is no surprise and you're left with a wasted opportunity, and half-hearted, half-baked K-Pax meets Kick Ass failure. It's a shame, because it starts brilliantly. AN EXTRA STAR for the animated sections which are off-their-face but ultimately work against the rest of the film, in putting the viewer at arms' length even more.
A waste of a good premise
A look at what happens when a supethero form another planet/dimension turens up powerless on Earth. however, the battle from his home turns up here. Is he a superhero or a deluded drunk? We find out of course in an engaging conflict between alien forces in volving befuddled humans. Not a blockbuster, but a good idea played out at Dr Who level theatrics and budget.
Entertaining and worth a view. I got fed up with superhero blockbusters covering the same old territory so this, Brightburn and similar explorations of the genre woke me up to a more interesting slant on a tired genre.