Ken (Yutaka Hayashi), a serious young man working as a cake decorator at an upmarket coffeeshop, finds himself led seriously astray by his feisty waitress coworker Yuri (the unforgettable Tamaki Katsura) after a chance encounter with a disturbed young woman (Yuri Yamashina) fuels their passion for murder and they embark on a vicious killing spree. Part serial killer slasher movie, part coming-of-age romantic drama, this outrageous sexploitationer by Yasuharu Hasebe (Black Tight Killers, Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter) scripted by Chiho Katsura (Hausu) is a standout title in Nikkatsu's mid-70s 'Violent Porno' sub-genre of its erotic Roman Porno line. Once seen, never forgotten...
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