Ballet Blanc (2019)

2.5 of 5 from 45 ratings
1h 29min
Not released
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Writer-director Anne-Sophie Dutoit’s horror film features Shelley Starrett, Colter Carlbom-Mann, Brian Woods, and Franco Fox. A small town is gripped with fear and terror after an eccentric resident decides to adopt an innocent-looking orphan boy after watching his ballet performance at the church choir practice. She begins to indoctrinate him into her occult ways, transforming him into a truly malevolent entity.
, , Brian Woods, Franco Fox, Shawn Eugene Pendleton, Catherine Lassesen, Lilly Paatz, Chloe Paatz, Ronin Mace Pendleton, Tanis St. Michael Pendleton, Rachel Webb
Anne-Sophie Dutoit
Drama, Horror, Thrillers
Release Date:
Not released
Run Time:
89 minutes

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