A fast-paced thriller following medical student Mia Akerlund (Luna Wedler) who discovers the use of highly advanced biohacking technology in her university town...After meeting her unconventional roommates, Mia attends her first class with Dr. Lorenz (Jessica Schwarz) and cozies up to the professor's research assistant, Jasper (Adrian Julius Tillmann)...As Mia makes a last-ditch effort to obtain proof about Dr. Lorenz's experiments, Jasper begins to unravel over his feelings of betrayal...On the run and with time running out, Mia turns to her friends for help in a life-and-death race to save the train's passengers...
Luna Wedler, Thomas Prenn, Jessica Schwarz, Adrian Julius Tillmann, Sebastian Jakob Doppelbauer, Caro Cult, Jing Xiang, Nina Zorzi, Cristina Andrione, Sebastian Gerasch, Simon Tiefenbacher, Edith Saldanha, Viviane Herrn, Carmina Garay, Eleonore Daniel, Benjamin Lange, Jürgen Fischer, Claudia Lenzi, Zeynep Bozbay, Ulrike Johannson
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