I'm not good with subtitles so found the film somewhat confusing. I couldn't get my head round who all the characters were - the relatives, the child carers, I even didn't always recognise the parents. My fault, not the film's, I'm just explaining why the stand-out attribute of the film for me were the child actors' performances. Nina Kervel-Bey was incredible, unbelievably good. I can't understand why she seems to have done nothing since. I watched it twice just to marvel at her acting. And Benjamin Feuillet, who is even younger, was amazing too, and so lovable.
If you watch movies because you appreciate fine acting, do watch this one.
I thought this film was beautifully executed. The two child actors were brilliant. The colours, the music, the styling were all delightful. Obviously it deals with some difficult issues, but it is an interesting insight into another 'world', bits of which are familiar to me as a child of that era.
Very good film, sensible and inteligent,nice to see the point of view from the little girl. Fantastic