I do love history and i found this film entertaining and packed full of british stars they even squeezed Ronnie Corbet in. Well i new they were grave robbers so it wasn't a secret but i found myself chuckling away and found it very entertaining throughout maybe about ten minutes too long but that might be my age.
So give it a go id say if you like english made films with a good cast and two loveable rogue characters you'll enjoy.
NOT the story of notorious serial killers Burke and Hare. That’s it really. So expect full sets of white teeth, clean clothes, polished cobbled streets, extraordinary accents, and a surprising number of famous faces embarrassingly delivering a pointless script. I can't understand why the film got its title - like renaming Eastenders "The Krays". I can only concluded it was a tax wheeze for all involved. Except the viewers. Let's show them by more and more of us renting this out so making them money and ruining their tax losses! Like "The Producers"! Oh.