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Cabin in the Sky (1943)

3.7 of 5 from 47 ratings
Not released
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The first film directed by Vincente Minnelli (who directed the original Broadway version), this musical offers its pleasures but also may make you squirm at the racial stereotypes that were considered both acceptable and entertaining in 1943. A story of the struggle between good and evil for the soul of a man named Little Joe (Eddie "Rochester" Anderson), the film plays with the same kind of racial notions that made Stepin Fetchit a star. Still, there's much to recommend it, particularly performances by some of the greatest musical stars of the day: Lena Horne, Ethel Waters, Louis Armstrong, and Duke Ellington, among others.
The film also includes a terrific score, a combination effort by Ellington, Harold Arlen, Vernon Duke and E Y Harburg that includes the song "Taking a Chance on Love".
, , , , , , , , , , Fletcher Rivers, Leon James Poke, , ,
Joseph Schrank, Lynn Root
Harold Arlen, E. Y. Harburg
Classics, Drama, Music & Musicals
Release Date:
Not released

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