This award-winning series changed the face of television with its realistic portrayal of two female NYPD detectives - Mary Beth Lacey (Tyne Daley) and Christine Cagney (Sharon Gless) - fighting crime and sexism in the workplace while maintaining their personal lives. Despite their differences, working mother Lacey and career-oriented Cagney form a tight partnership that helps them solve crimes ranging from petty theft to cold-blooded murder...Fred Grandy, plays a wealthy businessman whose wife was strangled in a motel room where she had recently trysted with her lover. The solution to the crime gives Det. La Guardia (Sidney Clute) a totally unexpected chance to shine when he notices that a blackmailer photographing the couple in flagrante also photographed the hotel room's TV set, running a soap opera La Guardia secretly and faithfully watches - and featuring a character which was supposedly off the show at the time the photo was taken!...After the key witness in the upcoming trial of a shady landlord dies, Cagney and Lacey must re-canvas his building in search of new witnesses before he gets set free. Meanwhile, Chris has a pregnancy scare...
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