A quintet of teenagers work together to encourage environmentally responsible behaviour and can summon a superhero to deal with ecological disasters...The Spirit of Earth, Gaia, is woken from a century-long sleep at Hope Island to discover that Earth is dying because of humans' carelessness in deforestation, pollution, over-hunting, and especially now by oil-driller Hoggish Greedly and his henchman Rigger, who threaten all life on a sea coast with their work. She sends a quintet of rings out to five youths around the world - Kwame, an African who tries to preserve plants, is given the Power of Earth to create mountains and earthquakes. Gi, a Malaysian with an affinity for sea life, is given the Power of Water to...Kwame is shocked to see greedy businessman Looten Plunder and his right-hand man Argos Bleak are poaching Africa's elephants. Wheeler considers the trip an opportunity to buy Linka an ivory necklace as a birthday gift. The Planeteers go to free the creatures and also try to find an elephant cub's mother. But one of the problems facing them is that some Africans feel desperate enough to need to accept Plunder's jobs even if it means sacrificing all of their animal neighbors - and hurting themselves in the long term - as he would have them do...The Planeteers have three days to prove that Looten Plunder is cutting down old growth forests. The Planeteers call Captain Planet for Wheeler, who has fallen into a river. Later the Planeteers lose the battle with Looten Plunder...The Planeteers are trapped in a terrible blizzard up on Mount Everest. Their guide a snow leopard named 'Heather' leads them into a cavern hat turns out to be a courtroom. The Planeteers are being prosecuted as criminals...
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