This is hard hitting stuff. Everyone should see it and maybe this type of hidden violence and treachery will end. Great performances.................the actors must have been traumatised for the duration of making the film.
Excellent acting but a very gruelling scenario. Not to my taste but I guess it's life for some people
This is for fans of Yorkshire cinema. If you loved The Selfish Giant and Kes, Catch Me Daddy will make a very good impression on you. It’s a stark reminder that there are divides in British society that are unsurpassable and no matter what we do human nature sabotages everything. This is a blistering portrayal of young love at a dangerous cost to all. Two rival teams of bounty hunters are looking for a couple, one Asian, Laila (SAMEENA JABEEN AHMED) and one Scottish, Tony (CONOR MCCARRON – NEDS). Laila’s Muslim family want her to return home, and they also want to kill Tony. They believe she has brough dishonour to the family. Also on their trail are two white trackers, Barry (BARRY NUNNEY) and Gary (GARY LEWIS – ORPHANS) and four Asian guys (Anwar Hussain, Ali Ahmad, Adrian Hussain, Shoby Kaman). Things are complicated when Laila causes the death of one of their pursuers. What goes from a simple extraction gets quickly complicated as the situation gets beyond anybody’s control.
Coming on like a Western, this concerns infamous honour killings and it is a brutal watch, elevated by excellent performances, superb cinematography, and an expemplary soundtrack too. The cast (mainly one-timers) and the script is flawless making this one of the most vital British films of the 2010s. It makes the similar and very poor Honour look like child’s play.
I write this review in 2019, I’ve seen this film twice now. Why hasn’t anybody given the Wolfe Brothers the money to make another film?
9 out of 10 – Classic modern British cinema. A nigh on perfect film for those with a strong stomach. Be brave, it’s a difficult watch but well-worth the effort. Chilling, brilliant and unmissable.