In early 1990's Boston, ADA Decourcy Ward forms an unlikely alliance with a corrupt venerated FBI veteran, Jackie Rohr (Kevin Bacon). Together, they take on a case that changes the city's entire criminal justice system...After an eventful Sunday at church, Decourcy finds out he has a new powerful enemy in town; Jackie is stirring up trouble at home, and his distrustful mother-in-law Rosa (Catherine Wolf) is onto him...Decourcy is a step closer to connecting the stolen guns to the Revere robbery when an insider agrees to talk. Jenny (Jill Hennessy) no longer can ignore Jackie's indiscretions after they show up on her doorstep. Money problems worsen for the Ryan family...Jackie celebrates another moment in the spotlight. Decourcy considers the best course of action to carry out justice for the murdered guards. Jimmy (Mark O'Brien) is desperate to weasel his way out of his mess, even if jeopardising his brother's future...
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