however, this isn't a dire movie it's quite funny. Just an example: The teenage son is coming out as...heterosexual! The ending is not so good - I find it silly - like something from the Eurovision Song Contest. There's a lot of extra features, but it's not very interesting. The conversation shot in Cardiff is hard to understand and there are no subtitle, so why bother?
Psycho is all very well, but has any film turned so much around a shower that it is well nigh a character? That is the case
with Cockles and Muscles. So much is it used - singly or in company - that the continually exasperated father (the least of his problems is being cuckolded) takes out the fuse from it at one point. Billed as a comedy, it certainly has elements of that distinctive French take on farce, but gains from an undertow of sadness, a sense of life passing as a new generation rises. As for the shower, it gets an extra to itself.