OK so minus the themes - the cause of the PTSD etc (NO SPOILERS) - this could be one of those fluffy romantic made-for-TV movies on Channel 5 of an afternoon. It really is a soapy women's interest drama, and I counted just 2 roles for white males, both baddies as per usual, so the DEI tickbox department's been on overtime then. Unbelievable mixed marriage of the week here, as per so many TV adverts now. It matters, for authenticity's sake, to convince an audience to willingly suspend disbelief.
Some massive plot holes - in the UK, no-one is ever disconnected for not paying an electric/gas bill, ever. The most the companies can do after many months if force entry and fit a key/card meter.
Another one is the absurdity that a debt of a few thousand is supposedly crippling for a family with a headteacher husband on £50-60k+ pa and a paramedic wife on what, £35k? Have these people ever heard of loans? The average student loan now is £40 and those in debt tend not to own houses even if on a mortgage. SO some big unbelievable stuff here.
It's all rather contrived and convenient, full of coincidences, as if the writer created the plot then dropped the characters as actors into it. As all writers know, the characters should drive the drama, not act as puppets in a contrived melodramatic plot which strains the patience with its incredulity and also features some real cartoon character baddies, veteran actress Hayley Mills is one.
It passes the time, but too long and contrived, a bit like those romantic fiction or mystery ebooks that female readers gush about on Goodreads and Amazon reviews. It's the sort of thing that'd sit well as a short story in a women's magazine, or one of those Channel 5 afternoon made-for-TV movies.
It passes the time but is contrived forgettable nonsense really, not a serious analysis of PTSD either (why I watched it at all as I am researching the condition).
2 stars