It's not bad, but there's no real depth of interest generated by this series. It compares with the UK series "Silent Witness" and is a little slower and less interesting as a result of poor directing, weak characters and a slow storyline.
The main characters all show their foibles and demons (like any crime thriller) to add depth to themselves, but the plot often spends too much time on these sideshoots with the result that the main crime solving part of the plot loses out and the whole momentum of the story is lost.
Technically the dialogue is of poor quality with levels often going down too low, some colloquial muttering, and most voices suffering from a boxy mid-range quality with very little of their high frequencies. We resorted to switching on the subtitles which helped a lot whenever the dialogue dropped. This is on a calibrated Dolby Atmos system with reference front speakers. The episodes are in two channel stereo.