Anyone who enjoys Anime will no doubt be familiar with other series, such as Ghost in the Shell and the Gundam series. But this high-tech pretension can grate a little with even the most devoted Anime lover.
This is why Cowboy Bebop is such a breath of fresh air. Stylistically, CBB takes inspiration from a Jarmush-esque style of directing and most importantly, scoring this incredible series. The music is so beautifully varied, lashing from groovy jazz and spicy rumbas in one episode to full-on heavy metal in the next. It’s rare to see such care and creativity put into any series, let alone an Anime.
Best of all, we aren’t bogged down in technical frippery - the characters and locations are so very accessible, despite the Sci-Fi scenario, we can feel at home.
The storylines are also riveting - we are regularly drip-fed titbits of information about each character’s past, building up to some excellent set pieces and imaginative storyline twists. But if you don’t want to be bogged down in plot, don’t despair, because whilst CBB can put together a stunning plot, it also has a a sense of humour that can range from darkly perverse to childishly slapstick. Wait until you see Mushroom Samba. You’ll understand what I mean.
Whether you’re just curious or a long-time Anime lover, I heartily recommend Cowboy Bebop - it oozes style, action, comedy and at times, emotionally gripping climaxes.
Rent it now - you won’t regret it.