C.S.A is a cleverly written fake documentary which shows how America would have turned out if the Confederates had won the American civil war and slavery had never been abolished. The entire film is presented as a "real" documentary and even includes commercial breaks complete with fake adverts and trailers for fake TV shows. The film creates an alternative history and follows a timeline in which after the civil war America became an imperial superpower expanding into Mexico and Southern America, was sympathetic to Nazi Germany and then entered into a cold war with Canada. The clever thing about C.S.A is that as well as being amusing, expertly written and presented it also often pricks your conscience and makes you think about a world in which slavery was a part of everyday life, without you feeling like at any time the film-maker is preaching to you, and the excellent epilogue to the main documentary shows the origins of many household brand names. If you like documentaries then this is well worth a rental.
Not funny at all, but that was not what I expected. I expected some important insights about USA’s politics and worldview, but after just a few minutes the only real insight was over. And that is its racist mindset. However, the film does not connect insightfully with other icons of Americana, like its fascist adoration of the Flag and the President, and its fear of the wider world.