All 12 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Asaki Nakama. With Earth under attack by an alien penguin empire, high school student Madanbashi Kouichi (voice of Nobunaga Shimazaki) is chosen to take part in the resistance fight by piloting a robotic daimidaler, because of his ability to produce Hi-Ero particles. The episodes are: 'Daimidaler Goes Into Action!', 'Danger! The Stolen Sun', 'Menace! Fiery Jake Appears', 'Challenge from Six', 'Mad Dance! The Fearsome Penguin Flyers', 'Arrival! Shouma and Kiriko', 'Hurrah! Antarctic Number 11 Appears', 'Convenient! Electric Toothbrush', 'Warning! The Closed Gate', 'Invoke! Joseph's Symbol', 'Distraction! The Emperor's Sexual Harassment' and 'Showdown! Sound Robots vs. Daimidaler'.
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