This is a superb adaptation with a top cast. Daniel Radcliffe is great as a 10 year old actor in part 1.
I almost cried in joy at seeing NO colourblind casting in this drama. Just shows the sad decline of UK TV drama in the last 25 years. It is NOT progress to cast BAME as white characters in period drama when hardly any black/brown people lived in the UK (only 6000 in 1939!). It is racism. AND double standards - whenever there is an Asian/African story the demand is AUTHENTIC CASTING and never colourblind casting.
I demand AUTHENTIC CASTING again in UK TV drama, to, to cleanse it of the curse of colourblind casting. I refuse to watch modern drama with it. Just that. As do many seeing the plummeting TV drama ratings and all the woke metoo box office fails too.
It makes me so sad to see what has happened in just 25 years BUT we still have the archive such as this superb adaptation.
Watch this, not the dreadful boring 2019 film which casts an Asian actor of colour as David Copperfield/Charles Dickens. Like casting Ed Sheeran as Nelson Mandela or Tony Hopkins as Gandhi,. NO NO NO!
5 stars for this one.